What The Pandemic Has Taught Me

Unless you’ve been living under a rock this past year, you’re well aware of what the world has been living with. Phrases like ‘the new normal’, ‘in these unprecedented times’, ‘mask mandate’, and ‘social distancing’, have become the norm. There are mask stores now, and hand wipes were very difficult to find last year. Even a can of Lysol was impossible to locate. I’ve learned quite a bit over the past year.

When March 2020 came around, we were all thrust into the unknown. Panic shopping for toilet paper, food, disinfecting wipes, and many other random items caused a lot of unrest and confusion. I am grateful to have been able to work during the entire time. Many people lost their jobs or began to permanently work from home. Tik Tok became a very popular platform for people quarantined at home. What used to be a 20-something and younger app, suddenly became a place for folks of all ages to film 60 second videos of dancing, lip syncing, crying, laughing, and plenty of other shenanigans. To be completely honest, I joined in March of last year out of curiosity and boredom. I have met many wonderful people from all over the country. Women my age, supporting each other. I’ve met wonderful people in the LGBTQ community, as well as ‘viral’ folk who spread positivity with their inspiring videos.

Then came the riots, looting, political unrest, and hate crimes. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. People spewing hate on social media, random acts of violence, and the movement to defund the police. I have many friends who serve and protect. I am more concerned about them now, more than ever. I keep my politics off social media. It’s what is best for me. There are too many keyboard warriors out there who really should just shut their damn mouths and keep their hate off social media.

The positive thing regarding the pandemic is, it’s taught me to live in the moment. To give praise, be kind, and offer a smile to people who need it. You never know what people are going through. A smile and a kind word or two goes a long way. Yes, there’s still hate mongers out there who continue to stir the pot and cause problems. Just like everyone, I hope this pandemic ends sooner than later. But…it has made many people stop and take a breath, smell the roses, and appreciate all life has to offer. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Give thanks, tell someone you love them, and hug like your life depended on it. Hugging is very much needed, especially now.

What the world need now, is love sweet love. I hope and pray that we all emerge victorious and healthy. Peace…

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